misspepsi's profile
  • Profile Pic
    misspepsi ♀
  • VIP
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  • Birthday
    September 27, 1958
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
  • I'm Currently Playing
    30 Ball
  • Real Name: Linda
  • Location: halifax ns.
  • Favourie TV Show Hell's Kitchen, coronation street. Yellowstone. Yellowjackets. House of dragons. ID channel.
  • Biggest Jackpot: 56k
  • Interests: bingo, movies, beaches and family.
  • Favorite Quote: One day at a time.
  • Music: Love classic rock.
  • Movies: thriller movies, some drama, horror.
  • Children: 3
  • Pets: two cats. Thunder and pepper.
  • Zodiac: libra
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