Bingo Session 30 Ball
Start Time 03/12/25 11:45:00
Price 300.00
Total Game Sets 360
Numbers Rama Column all
Purchase Cards No Total Prize 108,000.00 Total Awarded 108,000.00 Duration 00:56:45
Description CRAZY get a # 1-30, the # bingoed on gets 1pt, then its neighbour # gets 1pt, 1st to x4 wins, NO REFUNDS, only played when a bingo is possible on every line
Winner Info
Terr4 , RedTemper , MimiLeblanc , mrsbaddestbrute , nelsonbc , Mandi69 , ringOroses , tamilee11 , Blackcherries , gabbysgram , sugarnic , mygirl62
Bingo GameIds
23761254 , 23761267 , 23761283 , 23761293 , 23761299 , 23761311 , 23761317 , 23761329 , 23761334 , 23761342 , 23761347 , 23761355 , 23761367 , 23761378 , 23761388 , 23761402 , 23761413 , 23761423 , 23761435 , 23761447 , 23761460 , 23761469